2 Indoor Carpet Tracks for 4 Link Nats!
Here is the Track Layout! The indoor space that we will lay the track out in is 60 feet wide x 160 feet long, so that will give us ample space to put not 1 but 2 of these track in along with pit and vendor space! The 2nd track will be the practice track, which will allow competitors to practice on a mirror image of the track we are going to race on! remember to pre register your entries at http://www.4linknats.com/registration.html

We are Excited and Thankful to announce that Axial has come on board to be the Primary Event Sponsor of the #4LinkNats !! Stay tuned each day leading up to the event for info on what type of #Axial Swag you can take home from this great event! Any time you talk about your Monster Trucks on Social media please use the hash tag #Axial They are watching!!
John Shultz with Axial will be on hand competing as well as providing product support for all the great Axial Solid Axle Monster Trucks!